No Longer Delay?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… it was in my mouth as honey, sweet; and when I had eaten it my belly was made bitter. <10:10>

No Longer Delay—- chance will never return?

1. The earth will be recaptured & Christ is going to return?10:1-7? —
7 characteristics of Lord in chapter 10?
1/ clothed with cloud?revealing of God?
2/ rainbow round his head? faithfulness in His covenant?
3/ face like the sun?Lord of light?
4/ feet like pillars of fire?actions of judgment?
5/ with a little book?proclaiming judgment?
6/ stand upon the sea & earth?whole earth will be His?
7/ shout out loudly? whole world hears)?

2 .Tasted sweet but become bitter then: God’s words should be tasted by oneself?10:8-11?— In our courses of life, in usual or busy days, have we find time to taste God’s words by ourselves?

There will be a day when we have no time to flee from God’s face!

? Prison revisited?…My friend Uncle Tong ?? is a former gang killer, had been put into prison 9 times. After his repentance he had been to Singapore 4 years ago, shouting out God’s love in 2 prisons and had a harvest among the criminals! Being 76, he is still going to travel to Singapore again on 30/12 to visit the believers whose imprisonment have expired. He also want to be back to the prison & preach again (Uncle Tong requested prayers from you all in this trip)

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