More Excellent ?

Hebrews, Voice Divine Add comments
… but You are the Same, and Your years shall not fail. <1:12>

Knowing Christ the Better One — 3 blessings :
1.Perfect …Let us have a perfect status before God !?14 times in the book?
2.Better …The Son leading us into a better life !?13 times in the book?
3.Eternal …Bless us with eternal blessings (2 synonyms used in Gk.- 15 times ?
Listen with heart to God’s calling!

?We mentioned the broadcast of gospel films to Middle East via satellite TV. Now more than 15 films are shown. The translating of the story “144 arrows” and Y.H. Cheung??? who survived a hill fire. Films are first translated into English , then into Arabian & Farsi.. The district ranges from N. Africa across Russia to Middle East , heavily populated, with a majority of non-Christians . Pls pray for the Goodnews Communication International (GCC) in charge of this project.

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