The Marriage Of The Lamb Has Come!

Revelations Add comments

Blessed Are Those Invited! Ark Channel 28/12/2021 Tue Revelation 19

After these things I heard something like a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying,
“Hallelujah! Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God (v1)

* In Revelation 19, the marriage of the Lamb, the bridegroom is Christ the Lamb. The bride is the church – all those who are saved through grace. There are two groups of invited guests: the Jews of the New Testament and all the believers on earth. Wow, what joy, you and I are amongst them!

Revelation 19

* Coming to the close of the year, starting from Matthew, we have now scaled the heights of Revelation. Here’s a link to 26 lessons on Revelation shared by Rev. Paul SHEN/沈保羅牧師.

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