Fellow – soldier?

Philemon, Voice Divine Add comments
But if he has wronged the at all… put that to mine account? <1:18>

3 changes of our fate —- due to the sacrifice & prayer of our mediator:
1. Prisoners are now freed! ?v.8…11?
2. A slave becomes a brother now! ?v.10?
3. The unprofitable ones become profitable!?v.11…14?

?Pray for the Middle East…Sis. Elaine of Goodnews Communication International told me -they have 2 more gospel films translated into Arabian , to be broadcasted from 22/11 to Middle East countries via satellite. Pls pray for this !
?From today (3/11) to next Tue (7/11) – HK Church conferences. Topic -“The vessel chosen by God”, with 4 sermons -on the start, experience, changes & peak of life. The sermons are given by Bro James Chu??? fr NY & Bro TK.Tse ??? fr Vancouver. Pls pray for the 2000+ saints/attendants in HK.

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