You are the Light of the World!

Matthew Add comments

The Lord Searches the Heart! – Ark Channel 01/01/2022 Sat Matthew 1

… and they shall call His name Immanuel…. (v. 23 b)

* New Testament starts with the Gospel of Matthew, where three missions of Christ the King are described – teaching, evangelising, healing. He is able to alter our destiny. The word “Kingdom” appears 33 times. 15 parables and 22 miracles are recorded. Some of these are exclusive coverage. Matthew is the only gospel book that mentions the word “church”. The Lord’s resurrection and His presence are reassuring for the church growing in trials!


* Being a Christian for more than 40 years, l finally got to 3 main points (spiritual treasures) and start to focus on Him & His attributes —
The Holy Word fortifies our faith as solid as stone.
The Holy Blood purifies us from our sins and makes us as white as snow.
The Holy Spirit sanctifies our soul to make us as holy as God. ~from Bro Jack in France, 2021 year end

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