Throne of Grace?

Hebrews, Voice Divine Add comments
…that we may receive mercy, and find grace for seasonable help.

Come and have rest –2 things in mind:
1. In fear?v.1…8?… Enjoy the rest of salvation by faith.?Mt 11:28?. Enjoy the peace God granted by obedience.?Phil 4:6…8?. Enter the rest by God’s words?Heb4:3?
2. Make every effort?v.9…13?…Press forward with every effort – God is waiting to help you!

?Reader’s Digest (Chnese /Nov 06) reported the story of schoolmaster L.C. Chong ???. He devoted 36 years in a remote primary school in Yuen Long, HK, Students, teachers & parents are all touched by his sacrifice. After his retirement, he is studying in seminary now!

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