
Hebrews, Voice Divine Add comments
…To – day if you will hear his voice <3:7>

5 things to be done today:
1. Fix our thoughts — look upon Jesus who is faithfully managing God’s house, do not worried or fearful!
2. Listen His Voice — watch out for Lord’s commands, the Spirit is speaking! ?v.7?
3. Encourage one another — warn each other to watch out of sins! ?v.13?
4. Hold firm to hope — hold our faith firm till the last!?v.14?
5. Enjoy His Rest — we can enter God’s rest today. Let the Lord take over your life! ?v.18…19?

?Myra Tong & husband Michael from North Carolina-, they have settled in church there. Their sharing – we herre we have a university professor who is also our Sunday school teacher. This Dr. Ramey teaches strictly. Many college students are failed by him. But in weekends, he always puts aside his prestige and goes to garage sale to find materials for children of Sunday school. It is a great picture seeing the grey-headed professor playing with children.” (Pls pray for Lord’s witness in US?
“…brothers, be glad; be complete; be comforted; be of the same mind; be at peace with one another: and the God of love and peace will be with you.” (2 Cor 13:11)

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