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But on every word that comes from the mouth of God! – Ark Channel 06/01/2022 Thu Matthew 4a

…Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only (v10)

* Public worship is founded on private devotionals. Having victory over the devil requires God’s Word, the Holy Spirit’s power, and prayer.


* Message from Europe -”After 5 months in Cambridge, there are 5 things I’d like to note:
1. God is faithful, He listens to prayers, remembering the needs of our school and work.
2. God is merciful and loving, guiding the Cantonese ministry with over 100+ believers, so our daughter has spiritual fellowship.
3. God is almighty; in difficult times He gives us strength to carry through.
4. God is my shepherd, in a new and unfamiliar environment, His word keeps me refreshed.
5. God is everlasting; emigration reminds me that we are only sojourners in this world, we must grab every chance to preach the Gospel. The city in heaven is the only, eternal city that we are awaiting! ~ Bro. Peter (Cambridge)

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