An intimate relationship!

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It is good to walk with the Lord! – Ark Channel 07/01/2022 Fri Matthew 4b

…and I will send you out to fish for people. (v19)

* There are two types of followers: Jesus said to them, “Come, follow me” (v19). In the original Greek, it means accompanying. “and immediately they left the boat… and followed him.” (v.22). In the original Greek, this means following a respected person. This year let us follow the Lord, intimately as friends do, while also respecting Him – do not be insolent!


* In AD 419, the Roman Empire collapsed, and the future was dark. But in the following 500 years, the Gospel captivated Europe. The Franks’ King saw a cross in the sky while in battle; after the battle, he and 3,000 soldiers were baptized in the Lord’s name. History is a mystery!

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