Learn from Suffer?

Hebrews, Voice Divine Add comments
He learned obedience from the things which He suffered <5:8>

Our Christ – eternal, complete and persistent:
1. Christ’s priesthood is forever?v.1…6?– He works in heaven , will never leave His office –therefore we can always be saved!
2. With mercy & sympathy Christ loved us to the end?v.2,7…8?– Now the Father will listen to us, just like He has once listened to Jesus’ cries and tears!
3. The innocent Christ offered once for us , & once for all?v.3?9…10?– so obey Him and pay attention to every single voice of Holy Spirit!

?BB Philip Tam of John ? Jessie in HK , is still under treatment. Letter fr Tams — As baby Philip was having a seizure… eyes rolled up, face went blue, lips went purple and whole body shaking, we prayed earnestly to God that He would save him . And God did! He gave Phil life two times, one at birth and one at the emergency room. Pls pray that Philp may have a third time of birth from our Lord, being born again by the Holy Spirit, in his life time. …God is using baby Philip to give us a transforming experience. Our prayer is that we will be changed into the likeness of His Son and that we may useful vessels for His kingdom. Many thanks for your prayers and you are in our prayers. —– …John ? Jessie Tam?HK??Note: Philip showed signs of blood cancer, but chemotherapy not needed yet.?

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