Things Unchangeable ?

Hebrews, Voice Divine Add comments
… to lay hold on the hope set before us

Look up, move forward — our 3 towers of strength:
1. God’s promise … which never fail?v.13…15?
2. God’s oath … which never change?v.16…18?
3. God’s son … who never stop his work?v.19…20?

?Suky’s brother recently moved to Beaumont, Texas. Suky had asked Ark Channel to refer a church for him, also requested prayers from all of you. Now Suky’s good news: “Thanks for all prayers from you saints… he keeps on attending church … every Sunday pastor drove him to church, have Bible study before service …When he was in HK, he worked in Ling Nan University, just next to the venue of our Lunar New Years’ Crusade, but still he refused going. But now he goes to church, every week he dresses up, wait for pastor to pick him…God is wonderful! (Their church now studying Ezekiel. I wonder if he can understand. He said yes !! I know I can’t give up praying for him…may the Lord remember the Ark Channel – that more saints can be blessed — In Christ Suky?

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