But the Lord was Asleep!

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Lord, Save Us! – Ark Channel 15/01/2022 Saturday Matthew 8

And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes and birds of the hair have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. (v. 20)

* Our mighty Lord of heaven and earth comes to heal, save, and cast out demons (v. 1-34). But He does not have a stable home, has no permanent property, wealth, prestige and status. His life transforming work only comes through His gracious words and power!


* Sharon Dultra was once in the sea of sins. She made company with drug addicts and prostitutes, and was arrested 13 times. But the light of God shone on her, through a book narrating the conversion of a gang leader. Her life was transformed. Now she has become a servant of God.

Sharon Story

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