Wealth in Heaven, Purity in Heart! Sunday Hope 16/01/2022

Matthew, Sunday Hope Add comments

Birds Never Sow Nor Reap! – Sunday Hope 16/01/2022 Matthew 9a

…He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax office. And He said to him, “Follow Me.”…. (v9)

Three dimensions of faith
1. Faith through hopelessness (v18) – Seeking the Saviour when the beloved daughter was dead! Have we ever asked the Saviour in such a hopeless situation and experienced unexpected joy?
2. Faith in action (v. 19-22) – Responding promptly with a faithful heart after a long-time struggle, and experienced amazing grace
3. Faith in entering the house (v. 27-31) – Following the Lord and come to the inner chamber with boldness of heart, like the blind men here. Have we ever followed Him like this and let Him satisfy our wish?


* Refreshing voice of singing: It Was Finished Upon That Cross – CityAlight

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