No more Tears?

Hebrews, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
…shall appear to those that look for Him the second time without sin for salvation. <9:28>

3 better things – life-long blessing:
1. Better sanctuary?v.1…11? … Christ is serving in it up the heaven. He is working for us!
2. Better service ?v.12…15? … Our Lord can cleanse us & make us eligible to serve God.Come to him bravely , let Him work on you!
3. Better sacrifice?v.16…28?… Christ is the unblemished Lamb, His blood works forever. Only trust Him Him!

?How to love?…Planning for marriage? Finding your better half? Or thinking of being single? One reason of family problems nowadays is the lack of Biblical teachings before marriage. 3 messges in HK church, listen to the first sermon: On marriage – a biblical view – click (cantonese)

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