Preach As You Go!

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Go Into A Household, Greet It! Ark Channel 18/01/2022 Tue Matthew 10a

…Freely you have received, freely give. (v8)

* What kind of people is the Lord looking for?
1. The willing: God looks for those who is willing to go for Him!
2. The loyal: The eyes of God run to and fro throughout the earth searching for “those whose heart is loyal to Him” (2 Chronicles 16:9)
3. The prayerful: God also looks for those who can stand in the gap, lifting up holy hands, working with Him.


* William TO/杜良儉 was the president of a world renowned technology company. His goal in life then was to make money. As he approached retirement, he became a Christian and life has become more meaningful. Testimony of William To (Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry/恩雨之聲)

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