Room for Him?

Hebrews, Voice Divine Add comments
… He is mediator of a better covenant…

The New Testament — a Better covenant:
1. OT: those observe the law will live – written on stone tablet, offering of atonement can never stop?v.1…5?
2. NT: God grants new lives to men – God’s law written in hearts, we love God, obey God’s words with the godly nature in us ?v.6…9?
3. Live in NT – setting up by the blood of Jesus, the new testament is enough to cleanse all the sins of those who believe?v.10…13?The NT equips us for His glorious church!

?Good news – …”This morning 2 friends from China were saved! The 2 relatives of a brother attended the special conference for elderly ,and were deeply touched. In today’s morning watch, they listened to gospel clearly , prayed and accepted the Lord as only Saviour! Thanks and praise the Lord!” — fr Bro C.F.?10/11?
?On 5/11 Bro T. K. Tse??? from Vancouver spoke on the topic “The Trnsformation of Life”in HK, with 2,000+ saints from 10 districts attending the worship. Enjoy the message click?Mandarin / Cantonese?

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