True Light Brightly Shining!

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How Much More Valuable is a Person than a Sheep! – Ark Channel 22/01/2022 Sat Matthew 12a

I desire mercy and not sacrifice…. (v7)

*The Lord of Sabbath is also the Lord of Mercy (v. 9-21). Jesus does not become indignant at people’s attacks. He still heals. He still works quietly. He still preaches the truth. He still feeds the hungry!


* Bible exposition, in Chinese, by Mr Leung Kwok-kuen / 梁國權
Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you (我今日將埃及的羞辱從你們身上輥去了) Hong Kong Bible Conference, for revisit

* 方舟台 – 版權所有 *

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