A Living Way?

Hebrews, Voice Divine Add comments
But the just shall live by faith…<10:38>

2 Encouragements- Necessary in Completing our Journey:
1. To those in sufferings — to sympathize them?v.34?
2. To your faith and yourself — never turn away?v.35?
Lord, you are the better sacrifice offered for us – once for all ! In this morning my heart echoes your call , walks onto the new & living way to God!

?Change of life…Ah Leong ?? in my church is a money-loving businessman. He changed the setting of his factory according to superstitious advices. After he met Jesus ,his parents, wife & children all turned to true God. He also surrendered himself to Jesus., cleared all superstitious stuff in office- and let Jesus to take over his business as well as family. Now he is so so happy!
?How to love? (vol.2) – The church in HK had 3 sermons on marriage. Second message.

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