When The Sun Was Up…

Matthew Add comments

More Given To Those Who Have… Ark Channel 24/01/2022 Mon Matthew 13a

But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. (v8)

* Determine to be the good ground! If we are willing to pay a little price, God will optimise the soil in our heart to nourish it.


* Such joy (1): My father has been suffering from lung disease for many years. I was worried that he would leave me without accepting in the Lord. He used to be indifferent and not responding to the gospel I shared with him and my mother was very superstitious. Lately the Holy Spirit has been urging me to share the gospel with my father. I asked my brother and sister to pray and the Holy Spirit started to work! On Tuesday father said he was willing to believe in the Lord and my family witnessed his acceptance. Siu Fung/秀鳳 (HK)

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