Sower Of Good Seed: The Son Of Man!

Matthew Add comments

Joyfully He Sells All To Buy That Field! Ark Channel 25/01/2022 Tue Matthew 13b

Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father… (v43)

* At all cost, the Lord elected us, seeing us as pearls, as treasures in the field. Do we cherish our identity? Are we willing to be the rare vessels of the kingdom of heaven, allowing God to change this generation through us?


* Such joy (2): Two days after father accepted the Lord, my two sisters came to visit and we explained the assurance of salvation. Mother listened attentively and also accepted the Lord, telling me to remove all the idols. All these years she has been touched but she wasn’t able to discard the ancestral tablets. And today, together with father, she accepted the Lord, glory be to God! – Siu Fung/秀鳳 (HK)

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