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Broke And Gave The Loaves To The Disciples! Ark Channel 26/01/2022 Wed Matthew 14b

…You give them something to eat. (v16)

* The miracle of the five fishes and two loaves teaches us 3 things: care of the needs of others; when lacking in material things look to God; know that the supply of the people masses through our hands (our participation).


* In a solitary prison cell, Sharon Dutra read the testimony of Al Capone, the gangster and was moved to accept the Lord. She studied the Bible everyday and used Joel 2:25 to encourage her inmates and taught them the Bible. After her release she completed a degree in nursing and married the son of a highway patrol captain. The couple started “Be Transformed Ministries”, helping people to come to Christ. Over the years, they have counselled the marginalised women, leading back onto the right path.

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