City to Come?

Hebrews, Voice Divine Add comments
let us go forth to Him without the camp, bearing His reproach: <13:13>

Outside the camp — 3 symbols of heavenly passengers:
1. Treating others & ourselves — love, care, sympathy, purity, content, always praying for others?v.1…6?18…19?
2. Treating spiritual leaders — remembering, obey, imitate, care?v.7…9?17?24?
3. 2 offerings to God — praising, doing good & offer donation ?v.10 …16?

?May God arise and his enemies scattered – Tragedies occurred frequently in our society these days, shocking many hearts. Towards year end church in HK 9 gospel meetings, pls pray to save souls !?TM; 25/11 evening at TW; 26/11 morning at KT, SKW, CWB, ST, TKO; 8/12 evening at TST; 17/12 morning at SPK? Enquiry: 2369 5106

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