Life Blessings Showered Upon All

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Store Up Treasures in Heaven! – Ark Channel 05/02/2022 Sat Matthew 19a

…Let the little children come to Me…. (v14)

* Two investments in our life – 1. Marriage management. Fortify our marriage, following God’s principles. Only by this can we lead our next generation to be Jesus followers. (v. 3-15)

2. Wealth management. Wealth is a return of diligence and intelligence, and a gift from God. (v. 16-22). Given our earthly success, we should step up our heavenly financial plan.


* Revival Message, in Chinese, by Rev Timothy San-Jarn Wu / 吳獻章牧師:Power and Authority in Biblical Perspective /(聖經看權位與權威)
(Hong Kong Bible Conference, for revisit)

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