Kingdom Unshakable!

Hebrews, Voice Divine Add comments
… run with endurance the race that lies before us <12:1>

Disappointed on the journey — 3 reminders for passengers to heaven:
1. Look upon God’s Son?v.1…4? … join the line of witnesses!
2. Endure God’s discipline?v.5…13?… experience the unfailing love of Father
3. Precious the grace?v.14…29?… guard against sins?v.15…17?, await heavenly city?v.18…24?and the unshakable kingdom (v. 25-29) !

?2 fathers, 1 miracle – A student went to fhis teacher & applied to cease fromstudies…his father got addicted in gambling , turned his home into a hell! His teacher rejected his application & brought him to Christian gathering, comforted , encouraged him. Gradually this student knew the Father in heaven — & tended to lead a better life . So he worked hard, and at the day he graduated from university ,his father on earth quitted gambling & turned to God. God had rebuilt his home!

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