A Pure Heart, A Temple of Prayer!

Matthew Add comments

But Found No Fruit On It! – Ark Channel 10/02/2022 Thu Matthew 21b

Early in the morning, as Jesus was on his way back to the city, he was hungry. (v18)

* The Lord will come at any time, like a hungry man searching for fruit! Do we bear the fruit of peace and love? Do we have the fruit of prayer? Do we have the fruit of the Gospel? Do we have new fruit as a result of knowing Christ?


* The skating events at the Winter Olympics have what athletes call the “Kiss & Cry Area” where they wait for their results to be announced. Those who do well will kiss and hug with their coaches when their results are announced, while those whose results are disappointing will cry. This one little area witnesses glory and regret. Christians ought to think too: before we are judged, how will we be? Come, walk this life faithfully!

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