He who Humbles Himself will be Exalted! – Sunday Hope_13/02/2022 (Matthew 23a)

Matthew, Sunday Hope Add comments

Whoever Exalts Himself will be Humbled! – Sunday Hope 13/02/2022 Matthew 23a

But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. (v11)

* Do we just talk but not walking the talk? Are we laying burdens on people’s shoulders but not moving ourselves? Are we seeking attention from others? Do we love the best seats? Lay down our pride and hypocrisy. Let the Holy Spirit guide us. With a pure heart, allow the Lord to work and transform us.


* BCC (Brunstad Christian Church) of Norway is one the few churches in Europe still having passion and sending out missionaries to far-off places. Listen to their singing in the pandemic situation: Day has dawned, sorrow´s gone

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