Give Food In Due Season!

Matthew Add comments

HE Is Near, At The Door! Ark Channel 16/02/2022 Wed Matthew 24b

…When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near.(v32)

* The Lord may return anytime. Life is not an illusion. We are His stewards, working in an orderly manner, giving food in due season, completing our mission for this life. Noah completed the ark as planned and was busy in his workplace and at home… People of the kingdom have hands in the world but hearts separate from the world.


* Book Recommendation: When stranded, the one who find value in the suffering will have stronger resilience. Psychiatrist Viktor E. Frankl survived desperate times and wrote “Man’s Searching for Meaning / 活出意義來”. Very thought provoking. (Kuangchi Cultural Publishers)

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