Can’t You Stay Awake with Me a Short While! – Sunday Hope_20/02/2022 (Matthew 26b)

Matthew, Sunday Hope Add comments

I Go and Pray Over There! – Sunday Hope 200222 Matthew 26b

I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered. (v. 31)

* His last night on earth, Christ was willing to take the cup of suffering. As Son of Man, He was in great need of company, someone to pray and weep with Him. But His disciples fell asleep. He was left alone in His path ahead …. Let us ask ourselves: How far along the path can we follow Jesus?


** Nothing can separate the love of Christ, however far apart we are! Listen to the virtual choir of intergenerational Christians in Bethesda Hall (AMK), Depot Walk, Singapore, connecting hearts across distance: Live Out Love (活出愛)

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