The Lord Is Our Only Hope!

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Remember The LORD Is Great And Awesome! Ark Channel 21/02/2022 Mon Matthew 26b

But Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place… (v52)

* As the cross nears, light and darkness meeting and God’s miraculous work of redemption approaches completion. From man’s perspective, there is the suffering and sacrifice of Christ on one side and the devil’s cruelty on the other. But the Lord says that all must be fulfilled (v54). Lord, in the midst of great adversity, may we also be obedient like You, giving ourselves to our Heavenly Father!


* The book 「瘟疫有藍天」(Bue Sky Midst the Plague) talks about the plagues that struck Rome during the 2nd and 3rd century where the officials fled, the rich fled and even the priests in the temple fled. Only Christians under long term persecution stayed behind, delivered food and supplies, cleansed the people, practiced loving their neighbours as themselves. (活出愛)

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