Peace Be With You!

Matthew Add comments

I am with you always! – Ark Channel 24/02/2022 Thu Matthew 28

… do not be afraid… (v.10)

* Matthew often mentions mountains: the mountain on which Jesús was tempted, the mountains on which the beatitudes were proclaimed, the mountain on which Jesús prayed, the mountain on which Jesus fed many, the mountain on which Jesus’ transfiguration happened, the mountain on which he prophesied, and finally the mountain on which the Great Commission was proclaimed. (Matthews 4, 5, 14, 15, 17, 24, 28). The Risen Lord will lead us over many mountains, do not be afraid, for he is with us!


* Letter from Canada: it is snowing here in Calgary, as if the city were wearing a wedding gown. We have hosted another love feast at our home. Gatherings have resumed, we are worshiping God together again. Having been here for many years, we have come to know many neighbors and witnessed the Gospel being preached afar. Here is a poem to record my sentiments right now: His commands are supreme, the souls of the nations are His desire; beautiful are feet of preachers as they go, the Gospel reaching everywhere! – From the Church in Calgary/ Timothy and sister 仕傑夫婦

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