A Time to Gather, and a Time to Mend!

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Listen and learn words of wisdom and truth! – Ark Channel 25/02/2022 Fri Mark 1a

…Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. (v.3)

* A servant – the Son of God, humble, yet full of power! In the turbulent world, we need the revived to serve faithfully! Mark describes the Lord’s work – healing and driving out demons – more than his teachings. Live out God’s will, talk less and just do it!


* Married for 70 years, Yuqiang/裕強 and Su-e/素娥’s marriage has lasted for 72 years. What is love? Is it the wedding of a century? A romantic marriage? One life together? In that era where young couples had arranged marriage, how did they stay together for so long? Read their story below: arkchannel sharing

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