Universal Accord – Overcome Evil with Good!

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A Withered Hand! Ark Channel 01/03/2022 Tue Mark 3a

…He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” (v5)

* When there is no love and no God, there will be no black and white, all will be cruelty and unrighteousness and even destruction of life! Is this not the case in today’s European dilemma? Christ saved, healed and did good deeds on the Sabbath but this stirred up controversy, reflecting the darkness and lawlessness in man’s heart. Is it not the same today.


* True freedom comes from self-discipline. “The Common Rule” (與神同行的八個微習慣) is the insight of Justin W. Earley telling us that our restless souls can only find peace in the Almighty. (InterVarsity Press)

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