Worshipped God?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… He shall reign to the ages of ages. <11:15>

Perspective with Hope?
1. The 2 witnesses ?11?1-14? – Sometimes God & His people seem to be failing, but at last they will gain all victory! Step forward by faith!
2. The 7th trumpet ?11?15-19?- The world turned over, waves of disasters raged; but kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord & of His Christ!

? Action Cambodia — Sister Esther Mok writes that she will set off to Cambodia in Jan 06, to participate in voluntary and evangelistic works. Pls pray for her. 2 millions were killed in the bloodbath in Cambodia, but now the churches reborn. 300 places of gathering were set up in the past 6 years, and at least one new church rises in every week! Their growth is by the power of the Spirit, plus the sweat & tears of saints.

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