Time in Danger. Time for Mercy!

Mark Add comments

Seeking Protection from God! – Ark Channel 26/02/2022 Sat Mark 1b

Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” (v41)

Throughout the Gospel of Mark, “immediately”, “at once”, “right away”, “as soon as” is used many times. We are precisely in the time needing urgent help. Lord! Watch over us, Lord, save us!


* Voice of the heart, from a church elder in Ukraine — We are in emergency. My wife and I will not leave Ukraine… how can we? As the church elder, my mission is to shepherd at all times…. We have been preparing for this day. My wife and I have bought a generator, fuels, food and other necessities. We will convert the gospel chapel into a shelter for believers in hardships… (I can hear the warplanes now flying above me). Hope you will pray for us! We are no braver than you. But we believe we are staying where God expects us to be (Daniel 4:17). .

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