Sunrise or Sunset, Awaiting Salvation!

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Lord Jesus My Glorious Saviour! – Ark Channel 05/03/2022 Sat Mark 5a

Who had his dwelling among the tombs; and no one could bind him…. (v. 3)

* A crazy world, and a mad man. The story at Gadarenes resembles the appalling news in today’s western countries. Someone locked up in his own world for a prolonged period of time is seen losing self-control, self-hurting and hurting others. This can be a sign of a demon-possessed condition! We should pray to the Lord to deal with it and have mercy on the victim.


* A letter of encouragement to high school students by Ms TSO Me-kuen/曹美娟校長 , a school principal. (published in Ming Pao, 3/3/2022)

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