Be Of Good Cheer!

Mark, Pray Add comments

Departed To The Mountain To Pray! Ark Channel 08/0/2022 Tue Mark 6b

So they all ate and were filled. (v42)

* The bread of life and the Savior in the storm are our supplies and protection. A double miracle. This is exactly what we need in this generation! Let us fix our eyes on His blessed hands, listen to His kind voice and stay on His boat!


* My son is far away, studying in Scandinavia. I know how hard it is for him, and I pray for him every day! God cares for the weak. Even though he has been infected with covid, he managed to complete his studies, achieved good results and recovered. As parents we really need to watch over the next generation so that they may know the true God and be good and excel. ~Ah Sum

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