He Cares?

Peter 1, Voice Divine Add comments
But the God of all grace …Himself will restore you and make you perfect, stablish, strengthen and steadfast <5:10>

Suffer a moment, God will stalish, strengthen us & make us perfect:
1. To the saints… stay loyal in pasturing even under sufferings?v.1…4?
2. To the Father… stay obedient and trust in Him , give our worries to Him?v.5…7?
3. To Satan… stay alert and guard against it by faith?v.8…9?

?The 19-year-old son Won Kit?? of C. S. Cheng??? in HK was found to have serious brain problem. Thanks the Lord and the prayers from you all– he was healed by God! On 20/10 a doctor prayed for this young son , encouraged him to serve God. The doctor also gave him a copy of “The Purpose Driven Life”. On 25/10 diagnosis found that his blood vessel is ok. On 27/10 the shadow of bleeding in his brain shrank. On 28/10 he was back home safely! Thanks for all the caring and prayers from you all! — Bro CS Cheng

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