Carry the Cross and Follow Me!

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Who Do You Say I Am? Ark Channel 120322 Sat Mark 8b

For what does it benefit a person to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? (v36)

* This is a line said by Christ, known far and wide, all the time ringing in our ears. The able, the powerful and even dreamers all charge ahead to open up new roads. But the highlight in human civilization lies in love your neighbours as yourselves and selfless sacrifices. This the the example set by the son of God all through.


* Musician Colette, Parisian, at the age of 107, piano her companion for over a century, to this day, she still practices 4 hours each day, playing in concerts, making recording. Outstnading achievements in life. Is this the same passion that Hristians should share in pursuing their faith? arkchannel sharing

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