Held The Child And Blessed Them!

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Let The Little Children Come To Me! Ark Channel 15/03/2022 Tue Mark 10a

But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’ (v6)

* Marriage is a union of opposite sex and the two become one as the Lord has made clear. (v1-12)
Nurturing children to draw near to the Lord, to serve Him, to be like Him, to love Him is the most important thing in life (v13-16).

Mark 10:1-31

* A parent’s voice: Family members confirmed positive for Covid one by one. The child ran a high fever, the public scrambled to buy drugs and the private doctors refused to take positive cases…I was desperate and got down on my knees to pray, talked to God all night and declared my child belonged to Him and also asked brothers and sisters to intercede for my child…Finally the fever subsided and he recovered. In fact, I also experienced difficulty in breathing and cried out to God in bed, woke up in the night feeling great peace. Thank God, What a friend I have in Jesus! (Note: the family has recovered)

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