Look Heavenward for Grace & Protection!

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When he reached it (the fig tree), he found nothing! – Ark Channel 18/03/2022 Fri Mark 11b

…Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations’?… (v17)

* Are we like fig trees, such that we only preach the gospel on special days? Or do we only bear the fruit of life in sunny days?

Mark 11:15-33

* A few years ago, we visited Boston in the summer & went to a small church where we met Jonathan, a young pastor. He told us he was about to move to a low-income area in Boston to start a new church. We have since stayed in touch with him & have helped support their ministry. Now there are about a hundred people in this new church & many are students in the well-known universities in Boston. We were told that they had recently baptized an Iranian Muslim student who studies at Northeastern University. Praise the Lord! ~ Bro Patrick (HK)

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