The God of the Living! – Sunday Hope_20/03/2022 (Mark 12)

Mark, Sunday Hope Add comments

About Resurrection – Sunday Hope 20/03/2022 Mark 12b

… I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. (v26)

* The poor widow offered God all she had. The word “poor” here describes the pathetic state of a beggar having none at all. This word appears 40 times in the New Testament. It is a playscript for us all. Loss of a spouse, loss of a loving relationship. Her life should have been one of speechless brokenness, yet the God-fearing widow gave out of her meagre strength. She knew the hope of resurrection. She knew all are living in God’s sight. She knew reunion would be close at hand!

Mark 12:18-44

* War set Europe ablaze. It is still raging. We pray for peace to come soon. Listen to this song with lyrics composed by Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a martyr. Such True and Gentle Powers (lyrics in English, German and Chinese)

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