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In life’s difficulties, sparks fly! – Ark Channel 24/03/2022 Thu Mark 14

Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, and they all drank from it. (v.23)

* When we sit at the table with the Lord, we are with the Shepherd who cares for us (v1-24), and we ought to walk with the Lord! (v.25-35) Take up your cross, throw aside your cares, and be grateful!

Mark 14:27-42

* The late Dr. Kwok/郭罕利博士 speaks on Psalms 1 “That person is like a tree planted by streams of water” has an implication of transplanting (and not natural planting). The Bible nourishes our lives; that we can drink from this stream is not out of our own will, but out of God’s grace, transplanting us into His richness.

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