The Light Of Mercy!

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Those Who Help The Poor Will Not Lack! Ark Channel 29/03/2022 Tue Luke 1a

And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God. (v16)… He is risen! He is not here…(v6)

* Dr. Luke tells of a compassionate and merciful Lord. In His mercy, there is no outsider! The women and children, the sick and poor, the peddlers and strangers, the weak and underprivileged…In His love, all are healed and found!

Mark 1:1-25

* A company in South Africa imported a heavy machinery but was unable to make it operate after assembling and they called the original manufacturer to send someone to service. When a young man arrived, the company demanded they send a senior engineer. The reply was: “He created the machine and the only one who can fix it!” The world is full of problems, who else can save it apart from Him? 

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