Leaving A Story That Touches!

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Mercy means concern for others! – Ark Channel 31/03/2022 Thu Luke 1b

because of the tender mercy of our God… (v. 78)

* That we are not destroyed today is entirely by God’s mercy. Some say that mercy is understanding the other party’s feelings, being concerned for their pains, helping them in their difficult times, protecting their dignity. When we reach the end of our lives and look back, we will be amazed at how all of it is God’s mercy!

Luke 1:57-80

* On 1996′s Bird Day, Finland’s Victoria National Park had a bald eagle born. However, because it was born in captivity, it lost the ability to survive in the wild and starved to death. Difficult times are how God protects and blesses us, we should give thanks to Him! 

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