Knowledge Rather Than Gold!

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Justice for Orphans and Oppressed ! – Ark Channel 01/04/2022 Fri Luke 2a

…and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests (v.14)

* Life is not our own. Jesus’ parents moved from Nazareth to Bethlehem and later fled to Egypt… Are life’s movements a coincidence or God’s planning? The hearts of kings are in God’s hands. All things work together, and it may be many years before we see fruit being born. Let our hearts be at rest.


* Seeking knowledge – During WWII, a Jewish girl named Anne and her family were hiding from Nazi persecution, hiding in a Dutch room for over 2 years. The Diary of Anne Frank has been widely circulated after her death, moving many to pursue dreams and goodness. In the book, she noted that the family housing her had a curriculum list, which included encyclopedias, detective stories, French, German, Dutch, economics, biology, modern history, geography and more… Anne even learned about art history, the Bible, and math, and became well-versed in Western history. The Jewish people placed a premium on education, and thirsted for knowledge! 

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