War in Heaven?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony… <12:11>

People of God in every generation are still protected in tribulations?v.1…6?

Wars for generations — our overcoming weapons?v.11??
1. Blood of Christ the Lamb – Satan fell with the vital strike by Lord on the cross!
2. Word of brothers’ witness – The effect of the His blood on us makes us faithfully witness Lord’s victory!

? A friend was devoted in Buddhism for several decades, and rejected Jesus even when he was suffering from cancer. By prayers of his wife and saints, he went through crisis safely. 5 years later he had coronary heart disease again. This time he put aside all his philosophies & believed in Jesus in tears. After the major surgery, he found the Lord precious & became a faithful disciple, now their whole family are serving the Lord!

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