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You Are The Dayspring! Ark Channel 04/04/2022 Mon Luke 3b

… and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” (v22)

* For the past 30 years of Jesus’ life, God the Father has given him a perfect score! God was pleased and satisfied with His words and His deeds before men, and in His living and in His work. In this perfect Jesus, we have the hope of new life!

Luke 3:21-38

* I thank God that in the beginning of 2019 I was sick due to overwork and my grandmother was weak, so I gave up my job to take care of her full time. Two years later, I looked for a new job and put my faith in it. The sisters in the prayer group also shared their worries and interceded for me. I am most thankful that my husband, sister, and mother never made me suffer financially. They were always giving. I thank the Lord and my family for their love and care. Nowadays, it is very difficult to find a job, but God has made a way for me to go back to work, and I am in a position to help the needy! God does not forget those who love Him – Gloria (HK)

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