Depend on God. Fear Not!

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Go Out to the Mountain and Pray All Night! – Ark Channel 09/04/2022 Sat Luke 6a

… the Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath. (v. 5)

* The wonderful thing about faith is the peace of mind we enjoy, and the calmness of thoughts. Living in a busy and chaotic world, we can only find such blessings in Christ. Why? He is the Creator. He comes from Heaven. He brings with Him the everlasting and resurrected life. We will live in peace when we walk with Him and in union with Him.

Luke 6:1-19

* Shepherd in the polar land – Photojournalist Giuia Besana visited Siv Limstrand, a female priest in the world’s northernmost town in Norway, to learn about how she brings warmth to the local community under extreme cold climate.

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