Pray that The Lord Relieves Me!

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Raise Holy Hands Praying Everywhere! Ark Channel 11/04/2022 Mon Luke 7a

… he sent elders of the Jews to Him, pleading with Him to come and heal his servant. (v3)

* Here is a soldier of the Roman Empire who asked the Lord for help to save his man. The centurion was the head of the disciplinary forces and knew how to use his power but he also had the compassion for his subordinates. Being both firm and soft, he knew he needed Christ. Blessed is the city under his command!

Luke 7:1-35

* The success of Colonel Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken, failed to find satisfaction and he searched for faith. One time a pastor knelt beside him and asked if he was willing to be born again. Sanders used to curse people, but now he sincerely repented and became a philanthropist, baptized in the Jordan River at the age of 77, and experienced God’s healing.

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