Light of the Righteous Shines Always!

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Lose Your Life for the Lord and Gain Life! – Ark Channel 16/04/2022 Saturday Luke 9b

Peter and those with him were heavy with sleep; and when they were fully awake, they saw His glory and the two men who stood with Him. (v. 32)

* It is costly to be the Lord’s disciples. Are we like the multitude catching up with trends? Do we know the worth of our Lord and submit to Him totally? Have we decided to be His co-workers our whole life and never turn back?

Luke 9:28-62

* As the COVID pandemic drags on, we are under prolonged stress. What should we do? Listen to Brother Samuel Ching/程蒙恩’s thematic talk, in Chinese ? How to deal with negative emotions in the epidemic (疫情中如何處理負面情緒)

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